Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tiny Robots, Big Fun!

A tiny robot with a great big personality, along with my not-so-little third grader, taught me something new and exciting over the past two weeks: Tech can be FUN! Who knew!?!

Our first week of third grade coincided perfectly with the arrival of Ozobot, a small robot I was asked to review through Tryazon. I was SOOO EXCITED to receive this package, like really, REALLY excited! I basically knew nothing about coding. However, I understand the importance of technology and want to do my very best to help my little guy learn about the world around him. And, tech is a huge part of this. 

After checking out the website, I was thrilled to start learning with our new friend. You see, the website states, "Empower your child to embrace the future and become a maker of technology, not just a user. Computer science is child's play as adventures, games and codes become as easy as laughter, when your child connects with their own power of creation." Doesn't that sound amazing? 

As soon as we unpacked Ozobot, we were having fun and learning along the way. The starter pack included activity sheets and colored markers that lead us step-by-step into our own world of coding. It was so simple. B was able to draw a line and Ozobot followed it, lighting up the same color as the marks it was over. As the line colors changed, so did the robot's light. We could easily see Ozobot doing what we coded. For a non-tech-savvy mama and a new coder, this was pretty cool.

In addition to the fun, educational activities that the Ozobot Starter Pack comes with, you can also access many games and apps online through the Ozobot website. B particularly likes using our desktop computer to plan a program, then loading it to his robot and watching it go on its own. He seems so proud of himself after successfully completing each new activity.

We'll keep playing and learning with our tiny friend, Ozobot, and will check in again soon to let you know how we are progressing. Maybe B will be inspired to build me a "Rosie" like The Jetsons had (have? Are we past the future of the Jetson's yet???). Anyway, we're having a great time with Ozobot, and highly recommend the product if you're in the market for a robot to help you imagine, create, and play!

I was happy to receive Ozobot complimentary through Tryazon in exchange for my honest review. Luckily, I have no problem telling people what I think of the products I try. Ozobot is among the top tier of my favorite classroom items, and I'm excited to tell everyone who cares to listen just how great we think it is.

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