Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homemade Gifts For The Holidays

     Over the past few years I have come across some wonderful blogs. Many blog posts are insightful while others are humorous. My favorite posts, however, are the ones that inspire me. They may suggest an activity, a book, travel tips, printable worksheets or crafts. I just love reading a post that leaves me thinking, "I can so do that!"
     Well, I've put that inspiration to good use this week. With the holidays fast approaching, I decided to pull out the craft supplies and buy a few inexpensive items to supplement my stash. I hit the web to find my favorite posts and then I just went for it. Here are a few of the Christmas gifts I have made for B so far.


     This super easy breakfast set (pancake, egg and bacon-I hope you can tell that is what these are) was inspired by the always creative Childhood 101. The entire meal cost only $0.80 to make!!!
I purchased sheets of felt at the craft store 5/$1 and used matching thread I had on hand. The egg yolk and butter were hand stitched (the butter just because it was quicker for me than changing the thread in the sewing machine) and the rest was done on my machine. It took only about an hour and a half to complete this entire gift. You can find directions for these items and other fun felt food HERE.

     The Frugal Family Fun Blog gave me the idea for these yummy looking donuts. This NO-SEW project was quick to make and totally inexpensive. The donuts are made from dollar store socks, felt and puffy fabric paint. I decided to package them in this small cake box for a more authentic look.You can find the very helpful Frugal Family Fun Blog donut tutorial HERE.
     As an added educational bonus with these food gifts, B and I will be able to practice his money skills as he sells me these items from his toy grocery. We will be able to work on what each currency bill and coin is worth and how you add them together to get the correct amount for your purchase.

     These upcycled crayons are sure to be the hit of our post Christmas diaper "big boy" bag. How great will these be while waiting for a meal at a crowed restaurant!?! Not only will B be able to use these multi-colored crayons to draw with, but we can also pretend to drive the car around the table and have the rocket blast off! Yay for entertaining restless, hungry kids!
     A great big THANK YOU goes out to Counting Coconuts for helping me come up with this smile inducing stocking stuffer! I used the instructions found HERE and modified the crayons by using a shaped cookie pan I found at a consignment store. This was just my first "test" batch, and I can't wait to make more!
     Now if I can just make it until Christmas day without going crazy with excitement imagining how pleased B will be to receive these simple gifts.I guess I could always fill the time with more gift making!

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Happy Crafting!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your newest follower/fan here... Hi :)
    OMG, love the breakfast and donuts... BRILLIANT!
