Being a good parent is a lot of hard work, but so very rewarding! The seemingly small, everyday sweet gestures and activities of your child are the things worth remembering. At least that’s the way it is around our house. Unfortunately as I reminisce over the past 3½ years, I find these normal, daily occurrences of sweet phrases like “I just love you mommy,” squiggly art work and amazing block tower demolitions are not the easiest of moments to remember. The first time meeting Santa, the first emergency room visit, the 101
st grocery store meltdown, and the daily battles to “STOP RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!!!!”… That is what is easiest for me to remember. Well, no more! I want to ensure I remember (with a little digital help) the everyday moments I share with my little guy. Thus,
Learn Mommy Learn is formed.
Learn Mommy Learn is just my way of archiving my many moments with my son, "B." Hopefully by sharing some of these moments I will also help inspire you to try a new activity, read a new book, try a new product I trust or to just make a point to spend an extra moment with a child you love. My little "B" is 3 1/2 and he LOVES learning. He seems the happiest once he has begun to understand a new concept or has come up with YET ANOTHER question to ask. One of my main hopes for him is that he will always have a joy for learning something new. I hope to foster his current love of learning into a lifetime passion that he can one day share with his own children.
What qualifications do I have to host a blog about education? I am a mom, therefore I am a teacher. I DO NOT have a background in education nor a teaching certificate of any kind. I did graduate from college majoring in I like to talk (or type) a lot. You will soon discover I do not follow any particular standard teaching methodology. My teaching philosophy for “B” is broad based, incorporating many methods. I realize children are unique and different activities will appeal to different children on varying levels. I hope that you may find at least one activity, book, product, etc on this site that will be beneficial to you and your little one(s).
In the following days/weeks/months I hope to post many of our favorite things to the blog. You can expect to see crafts, outside activities, books, recipes, products, websites, etc. As the blog matures, and hopefully gains a few followers, I hope to expand the topics covered.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by
Learn Mommy Learn! I would love to read any comments or suggestions you may have. Please feel free to come back soon!